The Infinite Wisdom of The Gene Keys

Rooted in ancient wisdom and offering a gentle, easy-to-follow path of contemplation, the Gene Keys is an accessible, practical yet mystical self-illuminating journey suited for modern human to prosper in every areas of our life.

What are the Gene Keys?

“If I had to say in a single line what the Gene Keys are, I would say they are a universal language made up of 64 genetic archetypes. If I had to say what the Gene Keys do, I would say they allow you to completely re-envision yourself and recreate your life at a level limited only by your own imagination” - Richard Rudd

Being revealed to this amazing human, mystic, spiritual teacher, award-winning poet Richard Rudd, The Gene Keys living transmission is synthesis of many wisdom lineages and is greatly inspired by the timeless Chinese I-Ching - commonly known as the Book of Changes, which contains the secret codes of life.

The Gene Keys is a tool to help unlock the Higher Purpose hidden in your DNA. There are 64 codons within your DNA and the 64 Gene Keys allow you to directly communicate with the 64 codons in the DNA of every cell in your body through law of resonance. Through contemplation, absorption and embodiment of the Gene Keys, you will raise the vibrational frequency in your codons and unlock the secrets of your higher nature.

When an acquaintance told me about the relationship between the 64 codons in our DNA and the 64 Gene Keys a few years ago, every part of my being KNEW that I had to start exploring it. My DNA heard the call.

As Richard Rudd said, “The Gene Keys is an invitation to begin a new journey in your life".”

Hear it from Founder and Author Richard Rudd

Your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile

Hologenetic Profile is a personalised map of the various genetic sequences that will unlock or awaken differet aspects of your genius. Unifying astrological calculation with an archetypal understanding of genetics, your Hologenetic Profile is the original blueprint that tells you who you are, how you operate, and above all, why you are here.

As a Gene Keys Guide, it is with great pleasure that I lead you to the official core teachings and resources, you can access via my personal link here.

I have listed below some great Gene Keys courses you can start with and if you desire to go deeper into any aspect of these materials, you are welcomed to book a 1-1 session with me here.

Here are some amazing Gene Keys resources and courses you can start with.

  • New To Gene Keys

    New To Gene Keys - Free Mini Course

    Three Days of Inspiration. Come and be Illuminated! Visit our newcomers portal and check out our free amazing mini-course ‘New to the Gene Keys’. The Gene Keys can sometimes feel overwhelming for newcomers. This is why we have designed this free course to give people a taste of the Gene Keys through a gentle introduction to their profile, with an empowering experiential twist. Come and try it out for yourself!

  • Golden Path - Activation Sequence

    Discovering Your Genius. Gene Keys’ most popular self-study course, this exciting programme provides the perfect introduction to understanding your Gene Keys Profile.

    Here you will learn how to awaken your 4 Prime Gifts, the cornerstones of your particular genius in life. The path through your Activation Sequence is a simple, self-teaching journey that comes alive in your life as you walk it.

    The Gene Keys are an invitation to begin a new journey in your life. They are a journey of embodiment to unlock the vast wisdom and love that lies sleeping within your DNA.

  • Golden Path - Venus Sequence

    Opening your Heart. One of the deepest inner journeys you will probably ever take, this programme gently guides us into some of the unconscious patterns we each carry deep in our DNA, teaching us to trust in our self love and live with a permanently open heart.

    The journey through your Venus Sequence is a simple self teaching journey that comes alive in your life as you learn to apply its many insights. Giving you a new vision of what's possible in your relationships, it has a profound and lasting impact on your life.

    There is nothing else like the Venus Sequence. It is a journey into love, that shows us the reasons why we fear Love. As we release these fears, one by one, a vast Love reawakens inside us. This really is the stuff of dreams...

  • Golden Path - Pearl Sequence

    Unlocking Prosperity With The Gene Keys. Offering us a new alternative to chasing success in our outer lives, the Pearl sequence reveals the underlying simplicity of how to truly prosper in your life.

    In this inspiring self-study programme, you will learn how to decode your Pearl sequence and liberate a new flow of prosperity all around you. This change comes about as you engage the innate lucidity of your natural wisdom and begin applying it to all areas of your life.

    The Pearl sequence cuts through all our worries about not having enough, giving us a newer, simpler vision of our lives in which money itself becomes a means of personal transformation.

  • The Gene Keys Sessions with Ariel

    If you are interested to start your Gene Keys journey with me , I invite you to book "Activate Your Genius" or "Prosperity Alchemy - Unlock Your Unique Prosperity Codes"

    If you have already purchased any of the Gene Keys self-paced courses and would love to have me as a guide to support your journey, or if you would like a general reading, you are welcome to book "The Gene Keys Alchemy" with me.

    You can access all these sessions via button below.

  • The Gene Keys Book by Richard Rudd

    This book is an invitation to begin a new journey in your life. The beating heart of the Gene Keys Synthesis, this is the codebook describing all human states of consciousness, from the deepest fear-based patterns to the most awe-inspiring possibilities in our DNA. A vast work of vision and depth, this is a book to contemplate over a lifetime. It can be used in many different ways – as a companion to explain the Gene Keys in your Profile, as an oracle and daily inspiration or as a spiritual path in its own right. Many people have testified that simply reading this book brings them a profound understanding of their life, relationships and higher purpose. Written in a poetic yet practical style, the Gene Keys book points you towards the beauty that already lies inside you and invites you into a world where anything is possible.

    534 pages.