On making more aligned decisions
“If it is not an absolutely yes, it’s a no. A “maybe” is a no.” - Ariel Tang
“I take my time to make my decisions. The world can wait.”, I said. Fully in my #queenmode.
FOMO - “Fear of Missing Out” is a deeply ingrained program in humanity. It drives so many phenomena in our society. People do or buy something not because they truly believe in it or love it but most of the time just “afraid” to miss out. This, you can see, is deeply rooted in the scarcity mindset. As an Economics and Finance major, I remembered the enslaving template of “Resources are scarce” was the thing they taught in Econ101 as it serves as the foundation of all economic theories.
But the trust is - You can never miss anything that is meant for you. Your Soul and Higher Self orchestrated every single detail in your incarnation.
That means you can’t make a mistake. Yes we absolutely will make some interesting decisions that we wish we didn’t but whenever we are able to align our mind with our higher mind and to see from a higher perspective, we would usually know it’s always for the better. We need these lessons, difficulties and challenges for our soul growth. The funny thing is WE - not the human versions who have forgotten when we reincarnate, but our Soul and Higher Self, chosen all that - and of course the fun, the joy, the excitement and pleasure too.
Now back to making more aligned decisions.
Follow what your heart & gut/body tell you. Your beautiful mind can make up all sorts of narratives, pros and cons, but your heart and body CAN’T lie. Your Heart speaks to you through excitement and joy, and your body speaks to your through physical sensations & feelings.
Allow yourself to feel and trust more.
Faster doesn’t mean better. When you take your time to make your decisions by following the resonance instead of narratives, you are learning to pierce through the veil of noise & words. Energy doesn’t lie. And in that way, you actually collect much more data and information that would help you make the most aligned decisions in the most aligned timing and in the most aligned ways.
And when you take your time and choose resonance, you anchor in ABUNDANCE frequency. And that create a magnetic field because abundance frequency is magnetic. So timelines, opportunities and realities will readjust and realign accordingly to suit you!
So sit back, trust and be amazed!
Remember - we are the sovereign creators of our worlds.
Love & blessings,