The Truth About Money

Money is energy! And it amplifies whatever it is at your core.

One key shift for my quantum leap these two years is that - I now embrace that making money is easy and fun! Humanity has been trapped into thinking “money is evil”, “making money is hard”, “I’m too spiritual for money” and all sort of enslaving templates.

Abundance is our true nature. And money is one of the expressions of that abundance. We are all meant to prosper and thrive. Building a New Earth takes money!

After decades and lifetimes in the old paradigm, I now simply open and receive! Universe is always ready to shower us with abundance and support, it’s simply a matter of if we are willing and ready to receive.

Now that I choose to embrace the simplicity and fun of making money, I can focus more on my genius - writing books, sharing spiritual teachings, creative work, my own spiritual advancement, creating sacred space around the world, studying whatever my heart desires, taking the best care of myself and my loved ones, enjoy life, travel…

I not only offer 1-1 Prosperity Alchemy to help unlock your unique prosperity blueprint which you can book here, but I also connect people with vehicles and communities to create their free and abundant lifestyle. If you are curious, you are welcome to book a free 20-min Higher Realm Business Partnership Discovery Call with me here.

Remember - we are powerful sovereign creators of our worlds.

Love & blessings,



A Misconception on Spirituality