๐Ÿ’€Day of the Deads (Dia de los Muertos) Gridwork

โ™๏ธ ๐ŸŒ‘ Yesterday was Scorpio New Moon so we are still in this new beginning energy in anything that is hidden, deep, transformational, death/rebirth, concerning power and mystery. This also synchronised with Samhain which originated as the Celtic New Year and also when the portal to the Otherworldly opened - hence we have the Halloween.๐ŸŽƒ 

๐Ÿ‡ฒ๐Ÿ‡ฝ And in Mexico, this portal is the Day of the Deads - Dia de los Muertos and Iโ€™m currently in Mexico City for a month. This festival is a huge celebration across Mexico. While most people chose to attend the spectacular parades across the country, I chose to stay in and honour the ancestors during this special portal in my own way. And on a personal level - I am not a fan of big noisy gatherings.

Interestingly since last week, we had set up the altar for Dia de los Muertos at the entrance of the coworking/co-living space Iโ€™m in and the portal/altar is right at my head as my room is infront and above it. So I already knew part of my gridwork here is to process a lot of ancestral traumas and honour our ancestors for the collective.

๐Ÿช And today itโ€™s also a Saturday - Saturn Day. I received an inspiration during meditation this morning to contemplate on the Saturn Sequence in the Gene Keys transmission. It is a sequence specifically about our collective racial and cosmic wounds. Deep stuff. So I found myself processing a lot of these woundings through my body - my muscles, my bones ๐Ÿฆด , my blood ๐Ÿฉธ , my DNA ๐Ÿงฌ today through contemplation on the Saturn Sequence.

๐ŸชฝThatโ€™s my gridwork.

โ€œThe Saturn Sequence shows us how personal transformation has a knock-on effect at a collective level, re-imprinting our gene pool with a higher frequency that will be passed onto our children and onto their children.โ€ - Richard Rudd

๐ŸŒนOur physical body is a highly advanced spiritual technology. If you are curious to unlock your vitality, genius, love, freedom and prosperity within your DNA, DM me to support you with Gene Keys and/or LifeWave Life Technology, such as the phototheraphy patch technology I love - they work amazingly well together to create a NEW YOU.

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Live Long & Prosper,



Being Cradled By Venus & Jupiter