Being Cradled By Venus & Jupiter
My astrocartography map and relocation chart for Mexico City
🇲🇽 I’m very glad that I chose to stay in Mexico City for a month to experience living close to my Venus & Jupiter planetary lines. It’s like being cradled by the loving power of beauty, goddess, softness, slowness, expansion, pleasure, joy, prosperity and good fortune as these are the higher realm archetypal energies of these two beautiful planets.
It is also close to my Sun/Chiro crossing which highlights and support my healing and becoming a master teacher.
You may ask - what is Astrocartography? Astrocartography is a discipline of Astrology (also commonly known as Relocation Astrology) where your natal chart with all those planetary codings from the time of your birth is casted over a world map. It contains an astonishing amount of information covering all areas of life for you to utilize.
🗺️You can see how these planetary lines & crossings and my relocated chart look like in Mexico City in the picture above. When we were born, we were born to the world simultaneously everywhere! So when we relocate/travel, we get to activate and experience different aspects of our consciousness, genius & experiences in different ways depending on the unique planetary energies that play out. Everyone’s Astrocartography map and relocated charts are different!
When we understand how these planetary energies align in different aspects of our life, we can consciously crafted our life experience to express different aspects of ourselves.
Some insights from my Mexico City trip:
💜There are many trees and powerful leylines here! The tree network plays a pivotal role in anchoring higher realm grids here 🌳 Bonus: Mexico City is super cool and charming!
💀Spending Day of the Deads here to learn to celebrate life-death and the immortality of our souls
🪨Will be visiting and gridworking at Teotihuacan pyramids and completing my Mayan gridwork which started in Yucatán, Mexico last November
🌈Making new friends in my co-working/co-living space and new innovative social platforms. More and more people are opening up to more freedom in their life both externally and internally.
🙏🏼Completing an era of important initiations and transformation as Pluto is finishing up with Capricorn since 2008. Remember - Pluto is going to station in Aquarius from Nov 19/20 for 20 years!!! It will be a period when we are invited to transform our lives radically through embodying inner and outer freedom, authenticity, innovation, conscious technology and humanitarianism.
🧬Preparing for a new era of living in and serving from another octave of consciousness. Mutation ♾️ Integration
🧬Embracing being a “stop codon” before quantum leaps. The 56th Gene Key is a stop codon that doesn't code for any amino acid. It is the “Evolution” Sphere in my Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile, which means a challenge for me to breakthrough. A stop codon is a genetic markers that define the endings of chains of genes throughout our body.
🤑Even my cryptocurrency portfolio is increasing in value! Looking forward to coming Bull Run!
Are you curious to see how you can change your life or highlight different aspects of your life through relocation or traveling? I offer 1-1 session to support you in finding your places, and you can book here -
Live Long & Prosper,
𝒜𝓇𝒾ℯ𝓁 🖖🏼