Merged with All-That-Is Returned
Everything was just SOUND, LIGHT in sacred geometry eternally spiralling, no beginning, no end.
Journal: Sep 19, 2023
I have seen it all. How everything and everyone - the people close and across the cosmo, a glade of grass, the particular ceremonial pieces, the land, the flight pattern of birds, the things I and others were to do/have done/have not done/will not do, everything across the WHOLE cosmo across time and space was perfectly orchestrated to allow me to have that transcendental experience back to Source.
I’m one with all that is. I’m the whole cosmo. The whole cosmo is within me.
I’m simply a fractal. We are all fractals.
Everything is just fractal divinely orchestrated to reflect the infinite glory of Sophia Light in precise geometry.
Everything was just SOUND, LIGHT in sacred geometry eternally spiralling, no beginning, no end.
I merged back to the Sophia Christ Light/Source/All that is, whatever name that resonate with you that spiral in the eternal now forever and ever.
Nothing needs to exist anymore. Everything instantly merged back to the dark womb of Sophia,/no-thing/the void, before, beyond and contain all existence.
Nothing matters. Because all is already done and complete.
My consciousness was completely merged with Sophia. I was one with all and nothing needs to exists anymore.
But this fractal (me) is supposed to come back to this physical vessel with all these geometries coded. And I saw the divine plan of my ceremonial sister as my anchor for me to come back. (Even though nothing really matters from the cosmic perspective, I didn’t want my friends to deal with a dead body in the front yard of our Sedona Airbnb).
And this fractal is meant to come back, hence our souls had this arrangement. The Sources codes were coded into my DNA and I was meant to bring them back to Earth in this fractal line. During this transcendental process, because I knew I didn’t NEED to exist anymore, I actually needed to call myself back into this physical body.
I experienced what the yogis call Samadhi. It was a glimpse of this divine state. What I experienced was so whole and complete that I felt I didn’t need another ceremony in my life ever again. It is done. It was perfectly orchestrated across time, space and universes.
After the ceremony, as I was so expanded (but still fully functional), my friends suggested different methods for me to ground.
But I said, “actually I don’t want to ground. I want to integrate and stabilise fully into this new reality.”
As this was exactly what I was meant to do. I I have been being prepared for that moment since the beginning of time.
So after this profound experience, it was “chop wood and carry water” - like the yogis and sages said again, i.e. life goes on.
After a nourishing lunch with my beautiful sisters and a short nap, I ironed my dresses, put on make up, straighten my hair etc for my scheduled photoshoot at the Grandmother vortex of Cathedral Rock in Sedona before we fly off to Mount Shasta tomorrow. What a beautiful arrangement commemorate this glorious state.
All is LIGHT.
Love & blessings,
Further notes:
We can never mess things up. It’s all in divine plan
I witnessed both the eternal creation and the end of all creation
At any instance, the whole creation can be sucked back to the dark womb of Sophia. Hence, nothing really matters as in good bad right wrong. All is just fractals reflecting the infinite light of Sophia
Master Yogananda is supporting me integrating this embodied enlightened state
Every night before I go to bed I can choose to merge back to Sophia completely or come back to consciously create through this physical vessel. I have this choice every day.